Have u seen this ad campaign ran by Discovery Channel where they put together the hosts from various Discovery shows to sing about the world? Alaa.... yang ada nyanyi boom-de-yadda tuh? Oh that was one of the best ads I've seen this year. Bila tengok iklan tuh rasa cam nak nyanyi sama pulak. At the end of it... dia tulis "the world is just awesome". Yep! Awesome indeed. It made you realize the miracles of this wonderful world... things to discover and so much more. Apa? Korang tak pernah tgk? What? Korang tak langgan Discovery Channel? Biztuh korang langgan channel hiburan ngan kartun saja ke kat Astro? Tsk... tsk.. Nah... tengokla sendiri kat link bawah ni... Just how many Discovery shows would you be able to recognize from the ad?
My fave part is when Adam Savage from Mythbusters sets Jamie's shirt on fire
wow..there are so many things to do out there..my world is so small..huh..apa lagi, JOM HOLIDAY!
wah...stephen hawking pun ade. stakat JOM HOLIDAY dialam maya bek xyah. time org ajak bnyk plak alasan. zimbabwe btul!
salam..aku tak kenal pn lang ni...saje je nyelit..hehe..
uiks..kat sini pun ko ada?? saba jer la linda, bab2 nyelit nie mmg no#1..welkam2..ops, mcm ako plak tuan rumah, sori lang~
hehe..saje je aku nyelit..sbb aku tgk mcm byk je perfume dia (tp perfume messo punye tu takderk..kehkehkeh)
kalo nk tgk blog awek cun..tgk blog aisyah rozi..aku pn xkenal dia sape..tp cun..hehe
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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