I was in KL recently sebab ada course which my boss forced me to go. I don’t really mind sbb course kat KL means I can balik kampong and get paid at the same time. The whole course took two days (seb baik dua hari jer, thank goodness…. The course was boring, dengar tajuk pon dah tau – “Scheduled Waste Management Training”). The venue was somewhere in Kota Damansara, so pas abis course I didn’t exactly went straight home…. Kena la buat diversion to One Utama dulu. Kebetulan dah lama tak tgk movie. So I went to GSC OU to check out what’s hot on the silver screen. Turned out ada banyak jugak movie yg tak tgk lagi. After much deliberation, I narrowed down my choices to 3 finalists:
1. The Mummy III: sequel to The Mummy I and II. I loved the previous two simply because I love everything about the ancient
2. Rogue: about a crazy croc running amok in an Australian river. My previous experience told me that this movie was going to be bad… any flick with crazy supersized animal chasing and eating people…. Bad! Remember Komodo? (Exception for Jaws though)
3. Wall.E: Pixar’s latest animation. I love Pixar’s…. Toy Story, Ratatouille
After eliminating Rogue I had to eenie-meeni-mynie-moe between wall.e and the mummy and it finally came down to wall.e. (I was heavy towards wall.e anyway). So I purchased my RM 9 tix from the counter and bought some popcorns in case I got hungry while watching the movie (selalunya memang lapar masa tgk movie).
Wall.e was a story about a lonely robot called… well, what else… wall.e lah! Wall.E was actually an acronym for something which I could not remember. This robot was actually designed to clean up Earth by compacting trash into cubes and arranging them into tower-like structure for disposal. Masa tu, the entire human race had already left the Earth in a huge space ship called Axiom while Wall.e mengclearkan all the sampah, maklumlah, manusia nih kan malas. There were many Wall-e’s created initially but only one survived. I suspected those robots were not programmed to have sex thus they could not procreate. Oh… poor thing…
So human yang tinggal kat kapal Axiom nih pon send a fembot (I believe it was a female based on its voice even though I couldn’t see any boobs) to spy on Earth, to check whether it was able to sustain human life after being left for 700 years. Nak dijadikan cerita, Wall-E and this fembot called Eve (tapi Wall-E insisted on calling it Eva) pon bertemu and Wall-E fell head over heels with Eve. Once Eve berjaya mendapat specimen tumbuhan hijau sebagai evidence that Earth was still livable, dia pon kena hantar balik ke Axiom. Si Wall-E nih pulak
Kat atas Axiom nih mmg ramai manusia… but they were all fat…big and fat! Sebabnya, derang nih dah biasa ngan kemewahan…. No need to walk, no need to brush their teeth, no need to use their hands to eat… sumernya ada robot yang tolong. Patut la gemuk! Nak berinteraksi sesame sendiri pon tak payah toleh2 ke sebelah… ada personal skrin right in front of their faces. Kapal nih ada kapten named Jason. Setelah mendapat tau salah seekor robotnya berjaya mendapat specimen tumbuhan dari bumi dia pon excited la nak balik ke bumi…. Tetapi dalam mana2 cerita musti ada evil character… haha…. In this story, it’s the computer that controlled the ship. Kompiter nih kalau bleh takmo org balik ke bumi sbb dia dpt arahan 700 tahun dulu mengatakan bumi dah tak selamat. So it held the captain captive.
Long story short, atas campurtangan Wall-E n Eve, Capt Jason berjaya membawa balik manusia2 gemuk tuh ke bumi. Hahaha…. Happy ending. Cerita nih mmg banyak moral values… antaranya…
- Don’t pollute the Earth…
- Technologies make life easier but not necessarily better.
- Jangan makan banyak sangat… pastuh tak exercise pulak… you will end up like one of those humans in the ship. Gross!
Cukuplah 3 pengajaran… Go and watch this movie yourself. My final rating untuk Wall-E: 4.75 stars. Selamat menonton!
Next on my list of must-see this summer… Mamma Mia! The trailer looked promising.
The movie is soooo sweet...
insaf kejap...
woww... lepas baca review ni saya rase lagi mau tgk cerita ni.. tp takde geng la nk ajak..
tp tu la, skarang yg takde robot ni pun dah ramai yg gomok gomok....
tak tau la sbb apa..
perluker berfantasi robot procreate. hish mung ni gak. nape xtgk kat mesra mall je? hehe
yes, mmg comel~ tuh yg terus i jadikan voice wall-e sebagai message alert tone..hohoho..lor, u gi UO ker?? hish, perlu la gi ikea utk menambah koleksi jitbitz..hohoho
mesz, perlu ker tunggu ada geng baru bole tgk?? ishk2..lonely la tew~
betul la zed.. esok la lepas opis ako nak g tgk.. srg2 pown takpew lah... like who cares kan?
ya.. i like... :)
alah sharm... sweetnya bila membaca ayat "like who cares kan?"
rilex ur...
eh... mana nak dapat voice wall-e tuh? nak wat msg alert jugak... mana yuk?
huhuhu..mcm kecundang jer bunyi mesz..ahaks..kecian..
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