Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hari Raya & 90210

Whoow... I haven't blogged lately... yeah.. it's been quite a while since my last blog. But then... it was bulan puasa and I didn't feel like blogging then. Now that I'm in my Hari Raya mood, I think I'm ready to write something. So how was Hari Raya? Mine? Naahh... nothing much. I spent the first half of the first raya in Hulu Langat and the whole family went to Malacca to Mak's hometown in the afternoon. The traffic was slow in Seremban and it took forever to reach Malacca. Haven't been there since Uwan (my grandma) passed away a couple of years ago. Last year I didn't go back to Malacca sbb kena keja shift malam (sob... sob... that was sad). But this year... bila balik sana, I noticed so many things have changed. My grandparents' traditional Melaka house was not the same house I knew years ago. Rumah tuh cam dah hilang seri sikit. Well, I guess that's life... everything changes. And this was actually the first raya for my sister with her hubby. She went back to Mad's hometown in Kota Bharu on the 2nd day of raya. It was kinda weird not being with my sister for the rest of my stay in Malacca... Walaupon dia dah kawen and dah nak beranak, in my heart she will always be my little sister. Tak dapat la nak gossip2 lagi ngan Adik... hehe...

I took a day off on Sunday, so I started working again on Monday. Stressful... Mood masih nak berhari raya lagi tapi dah kena keja. Since the other exec who was supposed to work on that day suddenly MC, I ended up being the only exec working. Tak pasal2 kena jadi boss arituh... dah la all the managers masih bercuti. Pastuh bila check email, I was suddenly swamped with so many things... aaargghh... nyesal tak amik cuti extra.

To calm things down... I went for 90210 marathon that I've just downloaded from torrent. Managed to catch 3 episodes... Good enough. And this new 90210 spinoff wasn't that bad after all. For the benefit of you who have been living in a cave for the past few years, 90210 is some sort of sequel to the popular teen series Beverly Hills 90210 which was a huge hit in the 90's. They still cast some of the original characters from the previous series like Kelly and Brenda (oh honey... I don't have to time to explain sapa derang nih... korang Google ajerlah). Well, after watching 3 episodes I feel kinda depressed... rasa cam nak duduk kat Beverly Hills pulak. You see, the school is populated with hordes of beautiful people... the teachers are gorgeous and sexy - not to mention the students, the weather's beautiful, the cafeteria serves great food... it's all I want in a school (which made me realized - my life in boarding school suckz compared to those kids in West Beverly High). Okaylah... malas nak cerita panjang2... kalau rajin, dload la citer tuh.. 

Nak tido dululah... besok banyak kerja... tootles!

1 comment:

Captain Zach said...

wah2, dah nak jd pacik nie kener la jd ahli toys r us..ahaks..

weh lang, jgn delete dlo 90210..nanti balik kl i kopi..

perlukah membandingkan SDAR dgn Beverly Hills High School?? bagaikan kuih durian belanda vs Oreo cheesecake..