And this brings us to the 2nd part of the blog which is on tandas. Specifically the tandas at my workplace. Pernah x masa korang tgh rushing nak buang air besar kat tandas duduk, dah gelabah2 bukak sluar, sekali masa nak landing your butt on the toilet seat, baru terperasan kat toilet seat tu ada cecair kuning tinggalan jibraun yg guna tandas sebelum tuh? And it just so happened that the tandas u were in, dah kehabisan tisu? Urghhh.... this happened to me so many times and every time it happenned I had to curse a little (no... a lot actually... but I just couldn't say the nasty words out loud fearing that my colleague would hear me and think that I'm a lunatic). Lepas habis menyumpah seranah tuh, terpaksa guna air paip untuk sembur2 sket the yellow fluid. Geram pulak rasa... frankly, I don't care what technique you use to pee... nak berdiri ke, nak duduk ke, even nak baring sekali pon... buat laa... yang penting aim la btol2 ke mangkuk tandas tuh. Bukannya aim merata sampai ke toilet seat dan ke lantai. Pastuh tak reti2 nak basuh hasil tinggalan korang. Lagi satu, kalau dah tau your aim isn't that good, angkat la dulu seat cover tuh sebelom peeing. Oh... is that too difficult? Or do we need to put a user manual on how to use the toilet?
Congratulations! Welcome to the toilet!
You are in toilet PECTRL cubicle 3 version 2.0
Please lift the toilet seat cover if you want to pee while standing. For those who prefer to sit, gently put your butt on the toilet seat and adjust your position accordingly. And yes.... you need to take off your pants first.
For peeing while standing, look for the hole with water in the toilet bowl. Aim carefully for that hole and start peeing. If you are not able to aim correctly at the hole, your p***s is probably too short. Please try peeing while sitting next time you moron!
For peeing while sitting, you do not need further instruction. Do your business, flush the toilet and leave. If you still think you need some guidance, then you are probably not smart enough to use this toilet facility at this workplace. Go home and do your business there... idiot!
Thank you for using this toilet facility. If you aren't sure whether you've flushed or not, by all means just flush again. The company is paying for the water. Feel free to waste it. For those who forget to flush, a CCTV will record your face and match it with your worker ID. (A notice will be sent to HR so that your salary can be deducted accordingly for bringing misery to other toilet users).
Have a good day and come again.
Hmm... that will definitely help a lot. U think so?
i find such attitude rather incongruous..especially when it happen "at the comfort of your own home"..tu la susah nya hidup umah bujang nie..kalo ditegur takut kener buang umah, xtegur nanti jamban bau mcm tandas awam puduraya plak..bukan susah pun, siap supply hose air 4meter (wat lilit kepala pun cukup) ended up i'd to clean it myself, again and again..freakin gross..but what to do..beginilah kehidupan seorg insan yg lemah..hahaha
dear homies, if you're reading this (which is far from possible), tolongla jgn kenceng besepah..huh..saya sangat kesal..
p/s: brani btol u CDkan nama fasha..sure mesz xsenang duduk..hahaha
ingatkan nk menjamban psal ape tdi, psal jamban rupennya. xsnonhnya anak2 buah ko. ape kate ko sound die lam morning meeting. tak pun raise UAUC everytime ko nmpak yellow fluid tuh. health hazard tuh. hoho..senang2 lepas KPI raise UAUC. as for captain zed, ape kate ko letak banting besar2 lam toilet tuh..."sile basuh lepas guna" mcm penah nmpak...dimana yea?
Ish.. tak profesional la nak sound pasal isu jamban dlm morning meeting. masing2 dah besar panjang kan... bukan kat workplace jer, kat public toilet pon sama. org mesia nih tak reti nak angkat seat cover seblom pancut. kalau anu tuh panjang takper jugak...
anyway... sapa yg bagi comment kemudian delete tuh?
aky yg delete. xsnonoh skek. harharhar!
semangat ako nak baca td tgk topik fasha... tp tgk2 pasal jamban, potong stim betul..:p
so far aku takde plak masalah yg dibincangkan kat rumah aku skarang.. tak tau la sbb aku pandai aim or sbb it's long enough...
long enufff???? no komen..hahahhaha..nanti kita suruh Dr.Osman cek yer..
z- ko dh kenal dh sape itu Dr Os. tahniah! keep it up....harharhar
thanks to ko ngan mesz..hahahha
demn...igt kan pasal fasha jatuh lam toilet ke, takpun menangis lam toilet ke...skali crap...ntah apa2 je la tat ni mengarut...btw, sonok tol membace blog2 korang...tak sangka geng TvSam telah berjinak2 lam dunia blogging...mess, betui ke long enuff...ko blaja ngn pek ke?
hahahhaa.mesz tuh gimmick jer muka jerla..nanti majuk plak..hohohoh
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